Proper Nutrition for Children
Our future leaders are being developed right now – in your own home. When I asked my 6 year old granddaughter what she would like to be when she grows up, she mentioned a few professional careers, to race horses, to be a nurse and of course a soccer player.
In order to help her body and mind grow to the perfect world I feed her 3 balanced meals and 2 healthy snacks per day, choosing organically grown vegetables, grass-fed beef and organic chicken, eggs, raw un-pasteurized milk and milk products. I would squeeze oranges for her orange juice so that her body can absorb all of the bioflavonoids in oranges to make the vitamin C complete and most bioavailable to the cells in her body. BUT the reality of our present life in this society makes it difficult.
Children are the largest target market in advertising – just watch TV for a few minutes and you’ll see how many companies are promoting unhealthy fake foods for the future generation of our country!
The purpose of this letter is to bring awareness to you or to whomever buys the food and brings it into your house for your family to eat. Believe me, I know how much effort it takes to prepare a meal that is nutritious for you and your children…it is too easy to toss some food in the microwave and “voila”, dinner is ready.
A while ago I read information about the dangers of heating and cooking food in the microwave and how detrimental it is for your health
Click here to read more about the negative effects of microwaves
In fact, food becomes poison due to the change in molecular structure that happens when food is exposed to high voltages and radiation in the microwave. Since learning this information about microwaves, we no longer have one in our home.
What is the 80/20 Ratio?
80% of the time, eat healthy food and plan out your meals, but 20% of the time don’t stress about eating “healthy”. For example, we plan our meals ahead of time and buy the following:
- Organic produce
- Free range chicken
- Eggs from cage-free, free-roaming chickens
- Raw milk and cheese
- Raw milk can be hard to find, un-homogenized milk is 2nd best
- Organic butter
- Grass-feed beef
- Wild-caught fish (ideally from the Pacific Ocean)
- Home-made Pancakes (using unbleached wheat flour, raw milk, organic butter and eggs). Using real foods, these pancakes are delicious!
- Avoid diet drinks, bottled juices, etc.
- Spring water is the best water to drink
Check out our Resource Page for more information!
Eating these products 80% of the time will help you feel better, improve your overall health by consuming higher quality proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace minerals.
Giving your children a better opportunity to grow and develop healthier, happier bodies will make them more pleasant to be around and will help them avoid getting sick. A large percentage of children get sick due to their high consumption of sugary drinks, and foods that contain too many chemicals and artificial colorings.
I suggest that you introduce changes slowly – one small change at time so that your children will adapt. Educate your children about how foods will impact their grades in school, their performance in physical activities/sports and help them feel more rested.
Here are some supplements we recommend:
- Catalyn Chewable
- Congaplex Chewable
- Tuna Omega-3 Chewable
- Cyrofood Powder
- Calcifood Powder
Come by Mind Body Motion to pick up some chewable supplements for you and/or your children!
Have a great summer!
Keep on Moving!
Luis Ponce Sr.
(408) 778-5577